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Change Your Life

"Take control of your mind and take control of your life" is the philosophy behind these two programs for self-improvement, based on the unique, self-help that Chris now conducts around the world.

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"Take control of your mind and take control of your life" is the philosophy behind these two programs for self-improvement, based on the unique, self-help that Chris now conducts around the world.

By being in control you can achieve almost anything! An improved feeling of well-being coupled with the positive thinking that these programs will help you to achieve, means that YOU CAN master anxiety, YOU CAN increase your self-esteem and in turn YOU CAN control your blood pressure, overcome insomnia, relieve headaches, stop smoking or even slow down the ageing process.

Whilst combining over 30 years of experience of Eastern mediation and relaxation practices with Western self-hypnosis techniques, these exercises are completely safe and you will remain aware and in control at all times, although you should ensure that it is both safe and practical to relax deeply. ie DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS RECORDING WHILST DRIVING.

  1. Preliminary Guidelines.
  2. Introduction to Program 1.
  3. Program 1.
  4. Introduction to Program 2.
  5. Program 2.
  6. Closing comments from Chris

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Change Your Life £4.85

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