Massage Oils, Carrier Oils, Scented Oil, Aromatherapy Oil and Essential Oil in the UK and Online

Essential Oils

A vast selection of First class Essential oils for Aromatherapist or for using at home in oil burners.

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Marjoram (Origanum marjorana)
Marjoram Essential Oil is warming, soothing and relaxing and is a good sedative which works well on insomnia.
From £2.49
Melissa Blend
A lemoney aroma which helps to aid relaxation. Melissa has a rejuvenating effect and also calming.
From £2.49
Melissa True (Melissa officinalis)
This essential oil is uplifting & calming & is helpful with depression, colds, hypertension, headaches & migraine.
From £15.99
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
Myrrh has been used for centuries for embalming purposes. With its musky aroma is a calming oil.
From £4.39
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