Massage Oils, Carrier Oils, Scented Oil, Aromatherapy Oil and Essential Oil in the UK and Online

Essential Oils

A vast selection of First class Essential oils for Aromatherapist or for using at home in oil burners.

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Cedarwood Atlas (Cedrus atlantica)
A more masculine oil, because of its woody aroma.
From £1.99
Cedrat (Citrus medica)
Cedrat Essential Oils has the aroma similar to Lemon but much more powerfull.
From £3.69
Celery Seed (Apium graveolens)
An aroma that resembles the vegetable we buy to eat. It is strong, fresh and clearing but has calming properties.
From £3.85
Cinnamon Leaf (Cinnamomum zeylancium)
This spicy essential oil has great value in aromatherapy as it fights exhaustion
From £1.75
(9 - 12) of 18   products